ANNIE GRACE SABIN - March 30, 2010 - August 1, 2010

ANNIE GRACE SABIN - March 30, 2010 - August 1, 2010


Friday, July 9, 2010

A Piece of Good News

I am so happy that I finally have a piece of good news to share about Annie tonight! Yesterday, Annie went to the cath lab so the doctors could attempt placing a stent in her superior vena cava, the main vein that flows into the heart. The doctors believed it was clotted and, if so, could be a major factor in the excessive drainage from her chest tubes. Before attempting this procedure, they expressed concern that the SVC might be entirely clotted off. If this were the case, they would not be able to thread a wire through it and there would be nothing they could do to try and help her. She had been scheduled to go today (Friday), but at the last minute, they found room to take her yesterday. They placed a catheter and injected dye into her venous system to see if there was any flow through the SVC and into the heart. They were disappointed that the dye did not show any flow through the SVC, but when they attempted to thread the wire through, they somehow succeeded. They also threaded the wire through the left innominate vein (a major branch of the SVC that was also clotted) and were then able to pull a balloon through and restore blood flow to both of these veins. They then placed a stent in her SVC, but as soon as they were finished, she began to clot above and around the stent in both veins. They ballooned them open again, and she began to clot again. At that point they decided to start tPA, the clot buster drug that we tried last week. This time, the catheter used for placing the stent could be used to administer the drug right at the site and the hope was, that because these clots were new, the tPA would be successful in dissolving them. Tonight, after running tPA for 24 hours, Annie went back to the cath lab so they could again inject dye and see if the clots were progressing or resolving. If they were found to be progressing, the doctors told me that nothing more could be done (I have heard this before, but know that we really are reaching the end of medical options for Annie).

After being with Annie for a short time, the doctors let us know that the tPA was working; the clots were much smaller and the flow through these two veins was really good! Such good news after two weeks of nothing but bad news! Amazing, how a little hope from the medical team can lift our spirits. The plan is to continue to run the tPA through the weekend in an effort to completely resolve the clots and then hope that she won't form clots again when the tPA is ended. Even if this works, Annie has a huge mountain to climb in order to get better and come home. In the eyes of the doctors, it is still a long shot, if not impossible. We understand that, but Annie has surprised them before and just might be capable of doing it again. Dr. Kaza stopped by her room on Wednesday and told me that while they are certainly going to "extraordinary" measures for Annie, he personally had not lost all hope for her. This was the first time we had heard any doctor express any hope in almost two weeks. We are praying that Annie gives the rest of them reason to change their minds!


  1. That is such great news!! I will keep looking for more progress with Annie!

  2. WOOHOO! I know that she will just keep getting better and better. YEA! Such great news.
    Tammy Anderson

  3. Amy, I am crying while reading your blog...something I am accustomed to doing. Today the tears feel good and that tiny glimmer of hope is so refreshing!! We are praying so hard for Annie and asking everyone we know to do the same. I will continue to pray that the clotting will resolve itself and not return and that Annie's extraordinary strength and fight will continue.

  4. This IS wonderful news. We love you and keep you and Annie in every prayer. My kids have learned to pray for the "Sabin Family." Thank you for your examples, for living up to who I've always known you both to be. You are incredible people.

  5. WTG Annie girl! It warms my heart that Annie's fighting spirit is still proving the skeptics wrong. I am amazed ar not just the spirit of this tiny little girl but also that of her parents. Before I was born my parents had a baby girl (Lizzy). She lived 3 days and died of heart failure. Imagine where she could be today with all the modern technology that we have today. Imagine all the little hearts that doctors are now able to repair and save. Keep strong Annie and family, we are all there with you in our hearts!

  6. Dan and Marci DaleyJuly 10, 2010 at 12:58 PM

    Beautiful Annie reminds me of the Saints from the Hole in Rock, in "The Undaunted", where they said "We must go on, even if we cannot". She does not give up, she moves forward, even if it seems that she cannot. What a wonderful spirit she is. We love you and pray for you everyday.

  7. I'm so happy for this "ray of sunshine" in the midst of the storm. I hope Annie proves all those doubting doctors wrong! --Shannon

  8. Go Annie Go!! Dr. Gray was our ray of hope when other Dr.s thought she wouldn't make it. It made such a difference to have that hope. We are praying for you guys. Annie is such a fighter.

    Becca-Ellie's mom

  9. Crossing my fingers that Annie keeps doing a little better every day... Not giving up on prayer, it works miracles...

  10. Fight Annie! Stay strong, Sabin have an army of cheerleaders behind you and legions of Angels working miracles before you. We love you.

    The Rollins

  11. Happy Day! Hang in there Annie, you little fighter. If anyone can do can!

  12. Yea for good news! Keep up the good fight Annie!

    Hugs & Prayers,

  13. I am so happy to read this bit of good news. We are praying for a miracle. I love that that doctor said that. Please let us know how she's doing after this weekend!
